Friday, September 10, 2010

On the move!

My 1st A&P test is on next Wednesday! I am nervous and I hope I can do well.....
I have very high expectations for myself, and I do not want to disappoint. I just don't want to fail and I have a very big addiction to the letter A!

In anticipation for the big test, my bed mess is on the move! It follows me everywhere and I am working on it pretty consistently throughout the day.
I will hopefully post a big ole smiley face here very soon!
Laundry day at Ryan's

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

That's hot......

You know you have been waaay absorbed in A&P when..........
Your boyfriend says, "thats kinky" and in your head a little voice says, "kinky like an unsaturated fatty acid chain!"
Oh God! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cool Bruise, Great Timing!

I told my boyfriend we were learning about epithelial tissues and such so he went out and got this fantastic bruise for me! Took a hockey puck to the arm actually, hazard of using your body to stop them from flying into a net, I suppose!

Anyway, bruises are a result of injury to the endothelium lining of capillaries which causes blood to leak out into the surrounding tissues. The colors of a bruise are a result of hemoglobin breakdown and phagocystosis within the tissues.

Ryan's bruise is really tender. It is also very hot to the touch, but I assume there is quite an inflammatory response happening.