Friday, November 12, 2010

Home stretch!

Just a handful of weeks left in class, I am ready for a break! This class has been such a marathon and its not over, one more semester to go! I try not to think to much about that fact. I truly think of this much like a marathon, if I think about how far I have left to go, I wont make it to that final mile!
Its so much work to study for an A, exhausting actually, but that is the goal I gave set for myself and have been accomplishing.

We have a test on the central nervous system in a few days so I am in full study mode, as soon as I finish this psych paper, and algebra test! Such a balancing act, and I suck at it!

We have gotten to see Katie now twice and it is so amazing. I am so very grateful for this opportunity, and so glad I chose to come to this college. Not many at my level of education get the chance to see something so cool.

She is 91 years old and seems so far to be in fantastic shape! I wonder how she died and marvel at the muscles and organs that carried her through 9 years short of a century!
I caught myself on the first night, resting my fingers on top of her hand while Molly was showing us something. Much like I would if I was comforting her or something. I know she doesn't need comforting anymore but it seemed only right, for what she is giving us! I looked at her hand, age spots and so grandmotherly. I get way over sentimental sometimes but I thought this hand must have held little hands across the street and cooked food for loved ones. So much, someone does in 91 years.
I imagine she was wonderful and did amazing things, even if it isn't true, because I don't want to think anything less.

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