Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A learning journal....

My A&P instructor has assigned us a writing assignment for our semester. I could either write a term paper with references and all that official jazz or keep a learning journal. Easy choice!
 I like blogging I have done it before and I love the subject material and I think it will be fun to analyze it and then share how I think and feel about it here.
So for starters we have been reviewing things we are already supposed to know, based on our pre-reqs for this class. I am at a loss as far as chemistry goes but I do have my genius boyfriend helping there. As far as other basics go, thank goodness for Bio 106 (as limited as it was) and my prior insane interest in the subject. Its not hard for me to remember things I love to know about!
I have been practicing the regions of the abdominopelvic area by tickling them out on my chosen toddler subject. As I am tickling her I call out exactly what I am tickling....The umbilical and illiac regions seem to be the hardest for her to maintain anatomical position in but that's to be expected I suppose : )

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