Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All about the muscles

I haven't much to say about the muscles yet. I want to understand them better! I have so many questions and ideas.....like why has my bicep been twitching obnoxiously for 2 hours while I try and study! I also want to know about muscle fatigue and why that happens. We are supposed to cover that next class!
The nervous system is pretty intertwined with muscles and the how and why of paralysis really interests me so I am looking forward to getting deeper into the nerves and how they control the functions of things.
Are cat dissection started this week which I find thoroughly enjoyable despite the smell....I wish I could remember what we named our kitty!
I separated the scapula from its under and overlying tissues a bit and got a great view of the spine and the infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles!

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