Sunday, October 10, 2010

I can tell you when its going to rain!

The other day I was sitting in the student center and my wrist started to hurt...BAD!
It almost brought tears to my eyes....
I broke my arm my freshman year of high school, I am almost positive of this. I dont know for sure because my parents had no money and didn't take me to see a dr. (I know you did the best you could mom....we talked about it this week, but it makes for a good blog post about bones)
I was running after school at my first band practice and a stupid 7th grade boy tripped me! I was holding drumsticks with one hand and so I caught all of myself with my right. It made an interesting crunchy pop sound and I couldn't use my hand very effectively. I could not turn my hand from a palm down to a palm up position without physically doing it with my opposite hand, and as soon as I let it go it would flop back over to a palm down position. It started hurting after an hour or so and it got bruised and swelled. 
The aftereffects lasted about 6-8 weeks, and eventually I was able to turn my hand and keep it there, but it still feels a bit odd even today, 13ish years later. I never knew exactly if it was broken but I would say it was highly likely.
It was probably simple and non displaced, because if it was healed pretty well considering.
This leads me to last week. It was hurting bad! I couldn't take it and I was feeling worried as to why it would be flaring up so bad. It hurt in exactly the same spot of the probable break.
I went outside to get to my algebra class and low and behold a front was blowing in....We were getting some very nasty looking weather! About an hour after the weather stabilized my wrist started feeling better and is fine now. I remember having similar pain during weather before but never as severe. Maybe it is Colorado, IDK...I had always heard about people having flare ups of arthritis and other conditions when the barometric pressure dropped. I would have been interested to see how fast and far it dropped that day. I saw online that others had felt similar pain in old break spots so I guess I am not alone! So long as thats the only time it hurts...and I will always know when to grab an umbrella!

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