Sunday, November 28, 2010

Its megamind baby!

That is what my 4 year old exclaimed when she saw this picture from my A&P textbook! I don't know who megamind is, she tells me its a movie.
This adorable little one however has hydrocephalus, which is an abnormal accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid in the brain. It is a condition that one can be born with or acquired later on at some point in life. It can be life threatening, and damaging to the brain. In newborns the skull is not fused so there is some room for the fluid building up. At this point a shunt can be inserted to drain excess fluid out of the skull. In adults it can be very dangerous because the skull is fused and can lead to brain damage much faster from the excess pressure buildup.
I had a friend in high school who had a shunt placed as an infant because he was born with hydrocephalus. He was lucky and had no deficits as a result. He was very smart and ran cross country. Once his shunt became infected and had to be hospitalized, he did recover though. I know he had said he had to have surgery to revise his shunt when he hit puberty and grew several inches. I am guessing the shunt didn't grow with him!


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