Friday, November 5, 2010

My first Stitches!

I can think its cool,  now that it doesn't hurt so bad.....
2 stitches
I had a very normal flesh colored round mole there, for as long as I could remember. This summer it started getting red and itchy and sometimes painful. Then it suddenly deflated! Thats the only way I can describe it, it looked empty. At my checkup I told the doc about it, and he decided since it had been changing and irritated, that we should remove it.

I had a punch biopsy, which basically consisted of them taking a little cookie cutter to my leg. She then stitched up the spot that they cookie cuttered the mole out of, and wahlaa!
It hurt more than I expected, and the stitches bled more than I expected but I did stand in line for 45 minutes to vote after that appt. (when I was supposed to be laying on the couch taking it easy for a little bit) There are some things that must not be ignored however!

They called with the results, No suspicious cells! However she did say it was actively growing deeper in a non cancerous way.....No wonder it was irritating! I wonder if the pathologist could see cells in differing stages of mitosis or something, to make that call!

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