Monday, February 21, 2011

blood needs to stay in its place!

Bad things happen when blood doesn't stay in its vessels!
My granny had genetically high blood pressure from a young age and maybe some genetic weakness in her vessel walls as well.
This lead to aneurysms, 3...
The first one happened shortly after my mother was born, and she had emergency neurosurgery..this is risky now and even more so then!
Somehow she survived but was never the same. She also never bonded with my mother as she spent my moms 1st year of life in the hospital and rehab. I never knew or understood, I just thought my granny was mean! Really sauce mean!
When I was 8, we were living in colorado with my paternal grandparents and I stayed up late one night reading...A call came in and I knew it was bad, so many hushed tones in the kitchen. My granny had an unknown abdominal aortic aneurysm and it ruptured during the night...Somehow she survived!
The final aneurysm was in her brain, I was 16.....
She was having regular checks by this point, having survived 2 very rare and severe events already.
My mother worked with my grandfather in their home and my sister was there. My mom and grandfather were in the office and Jenny and my granny were in the living room. My granny made a salad and was eating on the couch. Jenny said she got up and went to the bathroom. She seemed fine previously and didnt hint to any discomfort. Maybe she had a headache come on suddenly or nausea. Jenny grew worried and called attention to my grandfather and mom who then found her in the bathroom. There she had gotten sick and was collapsed. My mom said she seemed to have just a few seconds of awareness and fear in her eyes but then it was gone.
She was on a life support machine for a few days but it was clear the damage was severe and they pulled her off. She was able to donate a few tissues and was cremated.
I wish she could have kept her blood pressure under control and maybe stopped sneaking smokes here and there...although it might not have done much to help. It seemed she was destined for vessel instability. However one thing of note...the last 6 months of her life was the nicest I ever saw my granny be, did she know? She made my sisters and I afghan blankets and just was generally very very unusually pleasant, maybe she had some 6th sense about it.....

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