Saturday, February 12, 2011

My heart tale

We are getting into the cardio section of A&P and it takes me back to my big heart scare!
I was having palpitations a lot and feeling really run down. One day while at the med group for something unrelated I started to have another run of palpitations so I decided to ask the dr about them. He really blew me off as I was young and not overweight, had no risk factors. I was so upset and refused to leave until he at least listened with his stethoscope.... He refused, but I wasn't going to leave. Finally another dr stepped in and ordered a EKG. It, no surprised came back abnormal. I was sent for a stress test and that was abnormal too! Then they sent me for a stress test with imaging, and to my horror it showed that at my hearts peak, there was a round area on my heart about the size of a dime that the dye did not perfuse too.
I was sent for an angiogram....I was terrified! They told me how 1 in 300 die on the table and if there was a problem with my heart they may just send me straight to the OR and crack my chest! Here I was with a little baby and I might be dying!!
I wrote Abby a letter the night before my operation, just in case I died and she would never know how much I loved her! That letter is still in the back of her baby book!
They took me back and I felt like I was an airplane on a tarmac, just in a long line of old people waiting for there angiogram procedures. Just a line of hospital was so odd. I got even more odd looks for being young and healthy looking....
I don't remember the procedure even though I was technically cough when they asked me too. Coughing clears the dye out faster, before it can irritate things.
They found no abnormalities and that was that!
I moved a month later and as it goes with the military, they lost my records for the 1st of 2 times. I never really had any more follow up.
When I exercise  or my heart skips beats sometimes I am struck by fear and just remember that little black circle where red should be...I hope I am ok

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